
I'm a Computer Science Student based in Germany, NRW. I'm interested in the web, computer vision and deep learning. Although I despise training and experimenting with models, I enjoy solving problems and developing software. I have most experience with C++, Python and JavaScript. My studies focus on computer vision and computer science theory.

This website is just a pet project, not a well-designed portfolio :)

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Mozilla Working Student

Working student at Mozilla in the DOM Core team, April 2023 till July 2024.

It's been an interesting time developing Firefox features in C++, testing them with JavaScript while also discussing web standards.

I fixed bugs for #interop2023 and #interop2024, mostly related to HTML forms and text directionality. I also implemented several JavaScript APIs, the largest ones being Capability Delegation and Screen Wake Lock. You can test the latter one here.

You can find my contributions to Gecko here

TTTStats — Webpage

A website displaying statistics about the game "Trouble in Terrorist Town" played with some friends.

The website is written in Angular.js and accesses the RESTTT Backend for the displayed information.

See here


The backend for TTTStats, implemented as REST API with Express.

It fetches logfiles from the game server via FTP, stores them in the cloud. These files are parsed using regexes and a callback-based system to populate a MySQL database with high-level information. Finally, several routes provide the results of pre-determined, SQL queries. Caching is used to minimize computational requirements and decrease latency.

See here

Splittermond Charactersheet
Character sheet page

A digital character sheet for the german pen & paper game "Splittermond".

See here

Karaoke Songsearch

Search through the various Wii Sing Games in my collection.

See here

Song search page